Northern Whig, Wednesday 30th November 1927
The Christmas Toy Show in Anderson & McAuley’s is now well underway, and the entire Basement has been given over to the Display, the China Department being temporarily removed to the First Floor.
Two special Demonstrations are at present being given, one of the well-known Hornby Trains, and the other of the fascinating “Kliptiko” Building Toys.
The Model Toy Farm, every pieces of which is sold separately, is well worth seeing. The majority of these pieces are British made. Meccanos, which delight boys of all ages, are this year greatly improved, as the Sets can now be obtained in beautiful colourings.
A gift which would be really appreciated is one of the new Indoor Games, of which there is a large and comprehensive selection. There are Dolls, both dressed and undressed which will appeal to every girl. In addition, there are Doll’s Houses and Prams.
The soft Toys for the babies are delightful, and can be obtained in the shape of puppies, rabbits, donkeys, cats, &c., in pretty pastel colourings. There is a wide selection of Children’s Books, including the annuals, which boys and girls covet so eagerly.
In fact, the Toy Show is a very Fairyland of lovely things for boys and girls of all ages. We heartily invite you to inspect this Show, and bring the kiddies, too.
Anderson & McAuley Ltd